Here to Serve

Women’s Ministry
Our Women’s Ministry is a wonderful place to plug in and make new friends. They are involved in several big events during the year, Bible Studies and an encouragement ministry. There are opportunities to serve on the leadership team, or just come enjoy the fellowship.
Contact: Beth Langley

Welcome Team
Our Welcome Team is stationed throughout our campus to greet and welcome everyone who comes through our doors at FBCLC.
Contact: The Church Office
HELPS Ministry
His. Everlasting. Love. Practiced.
This team helps meet the practical needs of our church family and community. Helping move, painting, yard work, and carpentry are just a few of the things this team tackles. If you are handy with your hands, or just love projects, this team is a great way to spread God’s love with those gifts.
Contact: Russell Thompkins

Student Ministries
There are a number of ways to plug into our Student Ministry. Consider becoming an Adult Small Group Leader, being a Host Home for DNOW, volunteering to help with Youth events, or going on the Youth Mission Trip or Summer Camp.
All volunteers must pass a background check
and go through our Child Safety Training before serving.
Contact: Brock Martin

Do you love kids? Then consider spending one Sunday a month loving on our children. Our church nursery is a warm and wonderful place where our children are taught about Jesus’ love.
All volunteers must pass a background check
and go through our Child Safety Training before serving.
Contact:Becky Humphrey

Worship Arts Ministry
Our Worship Arts Ministry is a wonderful core of volunteers who want to declare the glory of God through the Creative Arts. Whether it's singing in the choir or serving behind the scenes to help others worship on Sunday morning, we'd love to connect with you.
Contact: Interim Carter Hayes

Kids Crew
There are lots of opportunities to serve in our dynamic kids program! Kids 4 Christ is our exciting Wednesday night discipleship for grades K-5th. There are also places for Sunday School teachers, substitutes, music, recreation and much more.
All volunteers must pass a background check
and go through our Child Safety Training before serving.
Contact: Suzanne Roper
Men's Ministry
Join our Men's Ministry for friendship and fellowship. We are a group for any age man. We desire to grow relationships while also growing closer to Christ.
Events happen semi-regularly so keep an eye out for our next one!
Contact: Johnny Allen

Prayer Ministry
Calling all prayer warriors! This team joins together in prayer to lift up all our church prayer needs.
Operation Christmas Child
For over 20 years, our church family has participated in Operation Christmas Child. Throughout the year, our congregation brings items that will be included in the boxes sent to many countries around the world. This team helps plan, organize and eventually deliver the boxes to the OCC facility. The team also can participate in checking boxes at the processing center in Dallas. This is an opportunity to touch lives in a global way.
Contact: Marita Mason
Small Groups
Sunday morning Small Groups are where we come together in smaller group settings to build relationships and study God’s Word. There are many ways to make connections through Small Groups. There are opportunities for outreach, Soul Care fellowships, greeters, member care, teaching, substituting and more.

Transportation Team
We have a church family that's on the go!
We need drivers who are willing to serve to help get groups where they need to be. No special license is necessary to drive our small buses,
only a safety training class.
Contact: Jonathan Morey

Wednesday Night Supper
Our Wednesday Night Supper is a time for our church family to come together in fellowship and enjoy a delicious meal. This team helps prepare and serve this meal. There are lots of ways to plug into this ministry: cooking, dishwashing, setting up and breaking down tables and lots more!
Contact: Melissa Florence

Stitching for His Glory
Are you handy with a needle? Join this team to work on sewing projects that are needed to enhance all our ministries.
Contact: Marita Mason